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Website Proposal

For my website proposal, I'd like to make an all-in-one portfolio. Throughout my time at UCSB I have worked on many creative projects, and I'd like to bring a lot of them together in order to establish an identity as a designer and creative.


Simply: I need to apply to jobs. Complexly: I still don't know what I want long term, and would like to jump into any industry-of-interest to get an idea of whether I enjoy working in that environment, and what I see myself doing long-term. This portfolio would be a home for my design, illustration, and other creative endeavors, and would demonstrate to my audience my passion for and knowledge of creative work.


In order to get across to my audience, a recruiter or team of recruiters working in the design or technology industries based in LA or the Bay Area, that I have the potential to present clear examples of my projects and other works that include thorough case studies, reflections, and outcomes from the work I have done so far. Therefore the text of this portfolio would be a combination of writing, image, example wireframes, and even video that paint a vivid image of the work I've done, and the potential work I could do.


In sum, I'd like to use this project to work on something that I have been back-burnering for a long time, and that is creating a working, well designed, and professional portfolio. The Setting for this portfolio will be tucked into applications, front and center on my Linkedin, and hopefully widely discussed in the recruiting rooms of executives. And hopefully, this website will just be the beginning, and will evolve as I work on more projects, and sharpen my creative skills. 

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